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7 Natural Treatments for Seborrheic Dermatitis(PARTIII )

Conventional Treatment for  Seborrheic Dermatitis

Conventional treatment options for treating symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis, especially the most common symptom, scalp dandruff, include: (11)

Medicated Shampoo

The first over-the-counter (OTC) options doctors may prescribe include a variety of different medicated shampoos. The four basic types of these shampoos are coal tar shampoo, selenium sulfide shampoo, tea tree oil shampoo and zinc pyrithione shampoo. You can use tea tree oil shampoo daily. Use the other three types twice a week.
  • Coal tar shampoo is a keratolytic agent. These are meant to soften the protein keratin on the skin and allow dead skin cells to be sloughed off more easily. Keratolytic agents contain sulfur and salicylic acid. The latter is especially important in conventional skin treatment because salicylic acid is oil-soluble and reduces inflammation on the skin. That’s why it’s commonly used to treat acne. Common side effects of coal tar shampoo include contact dermatitis, folliculitis (tender, red bumps on hair follicles) and photosensitivity (allergic reaction caused by sunlight).
  • Selenium sulfide shampoo is intended to help treat seborrheic dermatitis by fighting infection, relieving the itch associated with this dandruff and removing scaly particles of dandruff. Common side effects include alopecia (a hair loss disease), hair discoloration and skin irritation.
  • Tea tree oil shampoo uses the antifungal and antibacterial properties of tea tree oil to treat seborrheic dermatitis and the resulting dandruff while also conditioning the skin naturally. It seems this treatment can be effective for mild-to-moderate dandruff symptoms. (12) However, people have reported side effects of allergic contact dermatitis and skin irritation.
  • Zinc pyrithione shampoo is another antifungal and antibacterial agent commonly prescribed to patients with seborrheic dermatitis. It’s one of the least expensive options. The only known common side effect zinc pyrithione may cause is skin irritation.

Topical Agents

Dermatology practitioners often prescribe topical creams, shampoos and gels as medication to treat the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis. They are broken down into categories, including:
  • Antifungal shampoos (brand names Loprox and Nizoral)
  • Topical corticosteroids (Luxiq, Clobex, Capex, Sylanar, Beta-Val, desonide products, fluocinolone products and hydrocortisone cream)
  • Topical antifungals (Ciclodan, ketoconazole cream and Ertaczo)
  • Topical calcineurin inhibitors
Calcineurin inhibitors include pimecrolimus or tacrolimus. They work by inhibiting certain immune system actions that cause inflammatory responses. (13) Unlike tacrolimus, pimecrolimus is a more targeted chemical compound that does not seem to carry the same risk for skin atrophy as its counterpart.
These agents have a number of known side effects, including stinging, cough, fever, skin atrophy, burning, heading, upper respiratory infection and flu-like symptoms (among others). Not much is known about the long-term effects of calcineurin inhibitors. Those medications come with warnings that isolated cases of skin cancer and lymphoma have occurred. Never use these medications long-term under any circumstances. (14)

7 Natural Ways to Treat Seborrheic Dermatitis

1. Treat Itchy Dandruff/Scalp Dryness
Dandruff (the shedding of excessive amounts of dead skin flakes from the scalp) is very common in both adults and children. But this doesn’t mean it’s entirely “normal.” Studies suggest that dandruff is really the overaccumulation of dead skin. Dandruff causes can include low immune function, reactions to the dry winter air, a vitamin-deficient diet and harsh chemicals found in things like chemical-heavy shampoos. Malassezia yeast lives on the scalps of most adults. In excess, it can cause more skin cells to grow and then to die and fall/flake off.
Common seborrheic dermatitis scalp treatments that you can try include:
  • Applying a combination of hydrating coconut oil and essential oils to the scalp (more on this below).
  • Making a DIY dry scalp shampoo or mask to cover itchy areas.
  • Not shampooing too often but also making sure to clear the scalp. You may have a healthier scalp and hairline if you shampoo about every two to three days, since this can allow natural oils produced by your skin to stay at regular levels.
  • Increasing intake of antioxidant-rich foods, such as berries and leafy greens.
  • Using a humidifier if the air in your home is very dry (dandruff usually gets worse during the fall and winter when air is very dry).
As described above, low immune function and high inflammation levels (sometimes in combination with hormone imbalances) are at the root of most skin conditions. Skin irritations are often caused, or at least made worse, by chronic stress, depression, anxiety and fatigue. To improve overall immunity, try following these tips:
  • Get seven to eight hours of sleep each night.
  • Exercise regularly to control stress.
  • Consider taking supplements like omega-3 fatty acids and probiotics.
  • Spend at least some time outdoors in nature or the the sun each day.
  • Keep up with hobbies and relationships to feel more connected and relaxed.
  • Try natural stress relievers like meditation, yoga, prayer, reading, writing or volunteering.
  • Consider using adaptogen herbs that help your body deal with stress and control cortisol levels.
  • Consume more anti-inflammatory foods, including garlic, apple cider vinegar, banana, avocado, flaxseed, ginger and coconut oil.
3. Reduce Intake of Inflammatory and Allergen Foods
To help keep inflammation as low as possible, it’s important to keep your diet as unprocessed as possible. Focus on eating whole foods. Minimize your intake of packaged and processed foods known to worsen autoimmune reactions and allergies, including:
  • Added sugar and sweetened beverages.
  • Processed oils like corn, soy, canola, safflower and sunflower oil.
  • Fried foods and trans fats.
  • If you’re prone to allergies, foods like refined grain products made with wheat, conventional dairy, shellfish and peanuts.


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